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Image by McGill Library

If there are aspects of the work on this website that you are interested in co-hosting, or have a group who you believe might benefit from it, I am open to exploring such possibilities.


I appreciate I have been fortunate to stumble across, and study extensively with, two well-regarded indigenous teachers, Martin Prechtel and Malidoma Some, each with long and respected lineages, and there is an appetite to explore their work amongst many people.


As regards ‘men’s work’, (which can include work with teenagers), while it is great to see renewed interest, and some new organisations appearing, there is often scope to bring aspects of poetry and story based exploration into these groups, particularly as a way to invoke feelings and insights with powerful imagery. These are skills I am happy to offer to new or existing men’s gatherings.


Implicit within my work is the role of master of ceremonies, some call it ‘dance-chief’ or ‘space-holding’, often for large groups. Recently this has included leading the opening and closing of festivals for over 500 people, and over a number of years, orchestrating the ritual and running of a 50-plus people 4-day ritual. Holding, co-ordinating and directing large gatherings is something I feel comfortable with and have some capacity to share with the appropriate group, to ensure avoidance of some of the confusion, and even harm, that come when a clear path in a ritual is missing.

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